Thursday, May 29, 2014

Taking Stock

Seattle Sunset 

Enjoying: all the Seattle sunshine
Drinking: Peach Iced Tea from the campus starbucks... like every day, addicted. 
Wanting: more time to devote to things I love... hopefully this summer when I don't have school.
Looking: forward to the summer... 3 weeks!
Playing: 2048... won so many times, but it's so addicting
Wasting: so much time on Yik Yak
Wishing: for everything summer!
Loving: Spring and the tease of summer it brings with it
Smelling: all the beautiful flowers, I love spring
Wearing: cut offs and tanks
Noticing: the little things in everyday life
Thinking: about everyone affected in the UCSB tragedy.
Feeling: love for those I don't even know, but praying and sending my love their way
Opening: packages that come in the mail, the perks of online shopping :)
Feeling: hopeful for everything to come!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Home and Sunsets

A picture taken from my Instagram
I took this picture on my front stoop after a busy day and had just gotten back from dinner. I was only home for the weekend, but watching the sunset was perfect and made me so excited for this summer. In Seattle, you can't just watch the sun set from anywhere. Back home that is totally possible, and watching it from the front stoop is something I have always taken for granted. My summer will be filled with work and social obligations but I want to try to watch the sun set everyday. Nature is an amazing thing and I feel like current day we get so caught up in social media, and consumerism that enjoying nature is not taken advantage of enough. This summer I want to go on hikes, watch the sun rise, swim in the river, play in the park, watch the sunset, and enjoy it all, not worrying about anything.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A tragedy happened at UCSB this past weekend. In the shooting, seven were killed, including 2 TriDelts. While I don't personally know any of the victims, I have friends and fellow TriDelts who did. Thoughts and Prayers go out to them and their families during this time, and to all our fellow TriDelts. 
DLAM ∆<3